Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hello Parents, I hope you are having a good week! It's almost Friday!

Math- Last week I said we'd be doing area and perimeter after our math test. I was wrong. I meant volume! We may do some area and perimeter too. After I am done with that area we will go into division. This first chapter is usually a review of dividing using a single digit divisor. The next one will be with a double digit divisor. That one can be a little more tricky. For you as parents, division has not changed. We still have the same steps we grew up with. I tell them there is an order to it: divide, multiply, subtract, bring down, and repeat steps if needed.  How I ask them may be different from you, but if they should say, "That's not how Miss Surma does it." It most likely is the same, I just might use different words.

Language Arts- This week we continue our journey with the Revolutionary War. We read a nonfiction piece on King George. The author made him kind of sound humorous. He didn't really think it was a war until the English soldiers surrendered at Saratoga. This week they worked in groups to identify facts and opinions found on a couple of pages in our story. They had to share their findings with the class. We did have to discuss whether some were really facts or opinions. They are also working on figurative language. We are discussing similes, metaphors, and idioms. We are also working on the tenses of verbs: present, past, and future. One piece was reading sentences to see if all the verbs in that sentence were the same tense. That was a little tricky. They have to slow down.

Religion- We are still working on the Glorious Mysteries at this point. They are more difficult than the Sorrowful. I have a feeling that they aren't studying as much. I am reminding them to take their books home at night and work on them.

Molasses Cookies- This week I  baked them some molasses cookies. They learned about molasses during Iowa History. Mrs. Sickels told them I baked some great molasses cookies, so I did do that! I think they all liked them! If you need a recipe, let me know!:)

St. Nicholas Project- Please look in your child's folder. We as a school will be participating in this for only a week after Thanksgiving. Please do what you can if possible.

I most likely won't be doing a BLOG next week. Remember that next Wednesday is only a 1 hour early dismissal. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you are traveling, have a safe trip.

Have a  good weekend! God Bless, Miss Surma

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