Wednesday, December 7, 2022

 Hello Parents, I hope you're having a great week. This is a busy month for sure! 

Calendar Dates:

Dec. 8- Mass/ Noisy Change Collection

Dec. 9- Miss Surma's Surgery 

Dec. 15-22 Holiday Dress Up Days

Dec. 16- Spirit Day

Dec. 21- Bishop at mass

Dec. 22- Christmas Caroling @ 12:30/Sack lunch Day

Dec.23-Jan. 3- Christmas Break

Jan.4 - Classes Resume

Reading- This week they are reading a nonfiction story about King George. He was taxing the colonists with things like a stamp tax and a tea tax, which caused the Boston Tea Party to happen. King George also suffered from an illness that affected him mentally, but back then they didn't know how to diagnose it so they just thought he went mad. He thought he was showing how much he loved them by sending in battalions. Every time the colonists did something he disapproved of he would try some other tactic, but it just made them angrier. In grammar this week they are working on present,past, and future tense verbs. They also had to do some contractions writing with them...that seemed to confuse some of them! They will becoming they'll. I think we get so used to writing it or saying it that when we have to stop and think about it, it throws us off. 

They will test on Friday over the story and spelling words. Next week is the third week in our unit. That means they will have a cold read on their test on Friday. 

Math- They finished up chapter 3 with a test on Monday! The class did really well overall! Our next chapter is more multiplication, but with decimals. While I am gone they will work on this, but there will be a couple of lessons I am letting them use a calculator. It's a great way to see how the decimal moves. They will do some work with decimals and whole numbers. When I return in January, we will really get into multiplying decimals times decimals. 

Religion- This week we worked on our Advent chapter and finishing that up. They will be starting a new chapter next week. The 3-5th graders participated in my receiving the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick today. Father Patrick did this in the chapel with all of us. It was very nice even though I got a little teary-eyed. I was glad they were there with me. 

Adopt-A-Soldier gifts are due by Monday! 

Mass is tomorrow! Dress up! It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Noisy Change Collection at mass on Thursday! 

Mrs. Redd will be here on Friday and all of next week as my sub. Tiffany Ossian and Lisa Sawtelle will be here the final week before Christmas break. 

Any changes to your child's schedule or rides home...please notify the office. Don't email me, I don't know that I will see it in time to let my subs know. 

December 15- Holiday Dress Up Days begin! I sent home the list last week in their folders. 

Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers for my surgery on Friday. That means a lot. I am really going to miss the is hitting me a little harder these days. I pray that they do well while I am gone with the different subs. I am sure they will be just fine! Two of older sisters will be with me at the hospital and my younger brother is coming later to get me home. 

I hope you enjoy the concert tonight! It sounded great at practice! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma