Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Dear Parents,  WOW! I am loving this weather! It was great to see so many of you at the auction on Saturday. I hope everyone had a great time.

Spirit Day- We are moving this to Thursday since we are going to the Civic Center on Friday. They can wear sweats on Thursday for $1. K-2 will have their Spirit Day on Friday.

Field Trip- I told them to wear jeans on Friday. No shorts. They will also need a sack lunch and drink for the trip. I don't care if they have their devices for the bus ride. We do not allow anything that can use data to access the internet. All devices will stay on the bus while we are in the Civics Center. We will return by bus time. 
8:11 AM (7 hours ago)

Shorts- I told them that we are now in March and while the dress code says we can wear shorts, it doesn't mean we should. I reminded them that high of the day doesn't really occur until they are going home. Their recesses could still be cold or chilly. 

Math- This week they worked mostly on dividing decimals by decimals, but we also added zeros into our dividend.  We will be finishing up our lessons in the chapter this week. That means they will take a test before spring break. When we return from break we will begin with fractions.

Reading- This week they read a story about a boy who was trying to get his community to change an old basketball court  by his school into a community garden with focusing on helping the homeless. He had to attend the city council meeting to plead his case. He didn't win there. They voted on turning it into a parking lot for the teachers.  In the end , someone else from the town decided there was another location that would work for the he did win in a way. Plus, he gets to write another article for the town's newspaper. In grammar we are focusing on  indefinite and possessive pronouns. They will test over this tomorrow (Thursday) since we are gone on Friday.  Next week will most likely be the same since we only have 4 days.

Last week they learned to write haikus and cinquains. This week they picked one and typed it for me. They will be posted in the hallway during conferences so you can check them out!

Book Fair will be next week during conferences! 

Tomorrow the 5th graders will be taking the ACRE test. It is a standardized religion test. The 5th graders and 8th graders take it. This year we are trying it online! This is a test to see what they have learned over their time here about our Catholic faith. It is multiple choice.

March 30-Apr. 3 will be Iowa Assessments

I will see you next week for conferences! Have a good weekend! Enjoy the nice temps again! Don't forget to spring forward on your clock! 

God Bless, 
Miss Surma