Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dear Parents, 
I am writing this on Tuesday because I will be heading to Doon on Wednesday night. My siblings and I will signing the final sale papers for our house in Doon. I am not excited about this at all, but I know it has to be done . Anyway, Mrs. Bearden will be here with the 5th graders on Thursday. 

Reading- This week we started our new unit. This unit focuses on the Revolutionary War. I believe every story will be about a person who played some role in the war. Our story this was called Dangerous Crossing. It is a historical fiction story about John Adams and his son Johnny Quincy Adams and their voyage to France. The war isn't going well for the Americas, so John Adams goes to France to get more help in their fight against England. We also talked a lot about life on a boat when you are at sea for over a month. No plumbing, no showers, etc. Not such a great time.  In grammar we are talking about subject and object pronouns and their antecedents. They will test on Friday over the story and the spelling words. This week in spelling they are looking for the VCCV pattern. Ask your kids what that means! 

Math- We are finishing up our chapter on division. They will do a review on Wednesday. The test will be on Friday. I am telling Mrs. Bearden to make sure they all do the extra practice on Thursday. One thing they need to remember is that any question that starts with the word "about" is asking them to estimate. In division that means using compatible numbers. For example if it is 846➗ 23.  You would round 23 to the nearest 10, making it 20.  Then look at the first digit in the dividend. Can 2 go into 8? Yes, so now you are going to divide 800 by 20 or you could divide 840 by 20. Both 800 and 840 are compatible with 20. There will be no remainder. 

Religion- They will have their religion test over the Beatitudes on Thursday when I am gone. Our next topic will be Advent.

Advent Angels will start on Wednesday. Keep a lookout in your child's folder for information on what we are donating to the Food Pantry this year. Please do what you can to help out. 

Lighted Christmas Parade is on Thursday night. If your child wants to ride our float, let Sarah know in the office. I'm afraid I won't be back in time to watch the parade. 

I hope your week is going well. Have a great weekend! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Monday, November 20, 2017

St. Malachy School is seeking participants for the Lighted Christmas Parade on November 30 at 7pm.
Please meet at Feldhackers Family Fun Center at 6:50pm
We need students for our Holy Spirit Float.
Students MUST have an ADULT chaperone in order to participate in our float.  Adults can be responsible for up to 4 children.  This is a walking float so please wear comfortable shoes.
Please RSVP to slane@crestonstmalachy.org if you and your child plan to participate.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Hello Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a great week! 

Reading- They are taking their unit 2 test this week. The scores won't go home until probably after Thanksgiving.  They have their book reports due on Thursday. I know many have chosen the poster. Hopefully next time we will get more of a variety! When we get back from Thanksgiving we will start the next unit. Our next unit focuses all of its stories around the Revolutionary War. I believe almost all of them focus on a person who played a role (major and minor) in that war. 

Math- This week they are working on learning the standard algorithm in long division. This is the way you were taught. Some have caught on pretty quickly. Others are having to go a little slower. It's not a surprise. This is a shorter chapter so we will most likely test sometime in early December. 

Religion- Our chapter this time is about the eight Beatitudes. They  don't have to memorize them, but they will work on creating lists of ways we can live the Beatitudes out in our daily lives.

The 5th graders will also have their next mass on November 29. I believe Father is also blessing our Advent wreaths. Our Advent Angel activities will begin that day as well. 

November 20 is our Frey Pizza Lunch for TJ and Nate. No guests at lunch that day please. 

Food Pantry- We will go to work there on Friday, Nov. 17. 

Have a great weekend! I am going to be doing a second coat of paint in my basement and my report cards! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend! I was able to get some painting done in my basement! It was good to see everyone for conferences! 

Reading- This week we are reading a story called Cougars. It is an informational article. It reads more like their science book might. I always learn something new about cougars that I didn't know. Did you know that they can't roar? In grammar we are working on using quotation marks when directly talking to someone or quoting information from a book or source. They will have their test on Friday. Since next week is our unit 2 test week, there won't be any spelling tests. 

Book Reports are due on Thursday, Nov. 16!

Religion- They are pretty much done with the mysteries! We will be getting back into our religion books! Our next focus will the Beatitudes.Soon Advent will be here so that will also become a focus. 

Math- So our "new math" lesson went really well this week! They quickly grabbed onto using partial quotients when dividing. The area that was the trickiest was the subtracting. We are now going to delve into estimating using compatible numbers. They won't be rounding. They will have to know the factors of a number-- their multiplication tables can be a HUGE help with this! 

Veteran's Day Celebration- the K-8 kids will be listening to guest speaker Ray  (Bubba) Sorensen on his painting of the Freedom Rocks in Iowa, but we will also have some vets in the gym to meet. We are asking the kids to wear red, white, and blue on Friday to show support. They can also wear sweats since it is a Spirit Day! 

STEM Night- Don't forget Thursday night is our 2nd annual STEM night! Come and enjoy all kinds of activities. I know the committee has been working really hard on this day! 5:30-7:30 :) 

I hope you have a great weekend! I am heading back to Doon. My siblings and I are going to empty the house of the remaining furniture on Saturday. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma