Thursday, January 9, 2025

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I hope the illnesses now stay away! I had a nice time at my sister's house. We were able to get together at my brother's one night, but then the flu hit there too. I spent a lot of time reading books over break! It was wonderful! 

Calendar Dates: 

Jan. 9- Spirit Day

Jan. 12- FAST Reading begins

Jan, 19- FAST Math begins

Jan. 22- Ben Tracy speaking about Social Media

Jan. 24- Spirit Day

Jan. 26-31- Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week Mass at Holy Spirit Church - Mrs. Simmons sent a link on Monday to sign up for helping at our kickoff mass on Sunday, January 26. Please check your schedule to see if your child can help us out! 

Book Report- Next week I will be assigning the next book report. 

Reading- They had their spelling pretest on Monday. This is always a fun one for me! It is compound words, BUT some of the words have a space between them and some have hyphens!  Their spelling posttest will be on Tuesday. 

 This week we are reading a nonfiction story about a tsunami.  You might remember it. It hit Indonesia on December 26, 2004. This story talks about a scientist who tried to warn them earlier that year that a powerful earthquake would be hitting some time. He couldn't exactly say when, but he was right. It hit 6 months later. We are using a lot of science vocabulary in this story. 

In Grammar we are working with conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions to create a complex sentence. I explained to them on Wednesday when it is appropriate to use the word "because" at the beginning of a sentence.

Because he had a doctor appointment. - not a complete sentence

Because he had a doctor appointment, he was late getting to work. ( Now we have our complex sentence with a subordinating conjunction. 

FAST Testing- I will start this on Monday. We will start with the reading tests. Math will come later. This week they have been doing a 1-minute read with a partner. This is just good practice for next week. 

Math- Now that I have everyone back, we worked on estimating decimals and then multiplying them. I let them use a calculator too. On Tuesday, they worked on multiplying decimals times a whole number. 0.42 x 4.  I tried to keep it in the context of going to  the store and buying something that cost 42 cents and you are buying 4 of them. We did talk a little about sales tax as well. We will work on that more on Thursday. 

Friday is a Spirit Day! Sweats for $1

Shoes- I know the new UGGs clogs are out and that some of your girls may have gotten them for Christmas, but we have a policy in our wing that they cannot wear shoes with out a back on them. Those clogs just don't have enough of one to really count or help out. Some of them slip off so easily. So I have been talking to the girls individually to tell them they can't wear them  to school They can next year in 6th grade. Our kids still enjoy playing at recess. Those shoes come off too quickly and then we have kids getting hurt. The girls have been really good at understanding, but I thought I better make it clear to all. 

Religion- - we are finishing up our Christmas chapter and then moving on! 

Auction- The auction is coming in March! There is a letter to families in the folders. We are not doing classroom or wing baskets this year. We are making one basket from the school. Please make sure you read the letter. Thank you! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I hope the weather is a little warmer! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

 Hello Parents! WOWZA! I am only wishing for the Christmas break so your kids have some time to really get better! This seems early. This stuff usually breaks out in January during Catholic Schools Week! I hope everyone stays well! 

Calendar Dates: 

Dec. 19- Hawaiian Shirt Day

Dec. 20- Sack Lunch Needed/ Christmas Sweater Day/ Spirit Day

Dec. 21- Jan. 5 -Christmas Vacation

Jan. 6- Classes Resume

Reading- This week they have been fixing and typing the stories they have created. The plan is to share them on Friday morning! We will wait to start a new story after we get back from Christmas. They did take their spelling tests and weekly module tests on Monday. I am trying to get the sick kids to get theirs done. 

Book It- I gave them their January calendars today! They have 5 days of reading before we get back. They can return their December ones when they get back after our  break! This is the usual time of kids losing minutes because they are busy at home so they might want to stock up on minutes to be safe! 

Take Home Folders- I see a couple of kids are now using their "back up folders". Please check at home to see if it is there so they can return it! Thanks!!! 

Math- We started working on multiplying decimals times whole numbers. We did an activity with Base 10 blocks on Tuesday. I think we will continue that on Thursday. I don't want to start teaching a skill with so many gone. We will just start again when we get back! 

Religion- They did a GREAT job with mass! I am glad the kids were so flexible! With kids missing I had to change some jobs around! They were willing to step up to help out! We are going to finish our Advent chapter before we leave. 

Spirit Day on Friday! They can wear sweats with their ugly Christmas sweaters! 

Sack Lunch- They will need a sack lunch on Friday. Milk will be provided! They will be eating with their angels. 

If they are getting a gift for their angel- please try to keep it to $5. They do not have to buy them a gift! Caroling will be from are welcome to join us! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! May 2025 bring you health, happiness, and some fun! I am heading to Waverly on Monday to spend Christmas with my sister and my brother and their kids. 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, December 12, 2024

 Hello Parents, I hope you're having a great week! I think the cough is being passed around the room. I am trying to remind them to cover their mouths when they cough! I am also reminding them to use Germ-X or wash their hands anytime they cough or blow their nose. I have four kids gone today. Please don't hesitate to keep them home. They can make up whatever homework they miss! 

Calendar Dates: 

Dec. 12- 5th Grade sings at Holy Spirit/ Wear Blue

Dec. 13- Spirit Day/ Grinch Day

Dec. 18- 5th grade mass 

Dec. 20- Sack Lunch Needed

Dec. 21- Jan. 5 -Christmas Vacation

Jan. 6- Classes Resume

Friday, December 20- They will be eating lunch with their Advent Angels. They need a sack lunch that day. Milk will be provided. Caroling is from 12:30-1:00. You are welcome to join us in the gym! 

Reading- We are in our Eruption story this week. We read a story about a volcano that erupted in the Philippines in 1991. They talk about the different levels of warnings. We discussed how we have similar warnings for hurricanes. We have different levels of tornadoes based on the damage. There were people evacuating on a water buffalo! Can you imagine?? I did show them video footage of that volcano as well as Mt. Saint Helen's volcano. The footage from that one was amazing. 

The grammar this week is harder because they are trying to find the direct and indirect objects in a sentence. We've been doing it together because there are questions I ask them to help them pick it out! 

They will have their spelling test on Monday. They will also do their weekly module test then too. 

Religion- We are working on our Advent chapter. The other day we discussed all the holy days the church has in its calendar. We also read the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah being visited by the angel Gabriel. He told them they were to have a baby. Zechariah didn't believe it was possible because they were old. He was unable to speak until their child was born. He named him John. John was a prophet that told others to prepare the way. 

Mass- They have their parts. Those who have a reading part should be practicing at home! Please join us if you can next Wednesday! 

The 5th graders helped me out today (Wednesday) pass out the new song books for mass. Many hands make it so much easier! 

Math- We tested over the chapter on Tuesday. They will be taking their tests home to you to get signed. I did talk to them about making careless mistakes --some problems just not done. Not following directions on some even though I circled them.  We just need to make sure we've looked over the test before we hand it in. 

Spirit Day- Friday is a Spirit Day! They can wear sweats for $1 along with Grinch Day! If they have Grinch pajamas, they may wear them. They just need to make sure they have appropriate clothes for recess. 

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I still haven't put up my Christmas tree- so that is the goal for me! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, December 5, 2024

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I had a great time in Colorado with my nieces! It was so nice to see those mountains in the distance each morning! 

Calendar Dates: 

Dec. 6- Spirit Day/ St. Nick's Day / Wear a bow or ribbon day

Dec. 12- 5th Grade sings at Holy Spirit

Dec. 18- 5th grade mass 

Dec. 21- Jan. 5 -Christmas Vacation

Jan. 6- Classes Resume

Mass- The 5th graders will lead mass on the 18th! I will hand out jobs next week. 

Religion- We are finishing our chapter on the Beatitudes. They will have a test tomorrow (Friday). Afterwards we will move into the chapter that covers Advent and our liturgical year. 

Permission Slip- I am sending home another slip! The 5th graders are just so busy. Next Thursday, they will be going to Holy Spirit to sing for the CDA. They serve us lunch as a thank you! The ladies love to hear their singing. They also provide a wonderful lunch! The kids will not go hungry! Please sign and return by next Tuesday. Thank you! There is a small cost because we are taking the trolley. 

Reading- You will see their module test scores in their folders.They all did GREAT! I did take out the written response question. In my opinion it was unrealistic to ask a 5th grader that question. It was very difficult. I am not sure a middle schooler would have like it either! They finished their stories and I will begin the editing process. They took a spelling pretest on Tuesday. 

Our new unit is nonfiction. It covers natural disasters. The story we are currently reading is about a volcano that erupted in the Philippines. We have been talking about how we prepare for thunderstorms, tornadoes,and snow storms compared to what they have to do to prepare for a volcano. There is a lot of hard vocabulary in this story. Volcanologist is one of the words! That's just fun to say! The story also includes footnotes. I explained what they were and what the mean. They are learning even more terminology that has to do with volcanoes. 

The grammar in this story has to do with direct objects. These can be tough, but I will be teaching them some helpful questions they can ask when they are trying to locate them in the sentence. 

Math- We are finishing our chapter. The practice test will begin on Thursday. They will most likely have a test over this chapter on Monday or Tuesday next week. 

12 Days of Christmas- we are going to have some fun dress up days to celebrate the season of Christmas. Each day I will remind the kids what the next day will be. I will also post it on my Facebook page to remind you. This is for fun! It is NOT a requirement! 

Friday is a Spirit Day! Sweats for $1! They can also wear a bow or ribbon! 

Don't forget we are helping buy gifts for the nursing homes. If you can help out, that would be great! We will have another noisy change collection next week! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Are you going to Merry Marketplace? Looks like there will be a lot happening in town! Have a great weekend, no matter what you do! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Hello Parents,

I hope you're having a great week and are staying warm! I think winter is near!  

Calendar Dates: 

Nov. 21- PTO Meeting 

Nov. 22- Spirit Day

Nov. 27-Dec. 1 - Thanksgiving break

Dec. 4- Christmas Concert

Dec, 6- Spirit Day/ St. Nick's Day 

Dec. 12- 5th Grade sings at Holy Spirit

Dec. 18- 5th grade mass 

Reading- They took their spelling test on Wednesday as well as their weekly module test. On Thursday they will take their module/unit test.  We aren't going to start a new story before Thanksgiving. I am going to have them write a narrative story. I use the book The Mysteries of Harris Burdick  by Chris Van Allsburg. He is the author of Polar Express and Jumangi.  In it are 14 different titles and each one has its own drawing and caption. They have to use the title for their story. The caption will be used somewhere in their story. It can be in the opening, the middle, or the end. We will work on this in class every day until Thanksgiving break. So... no spelling tests until after break! 

I finished the book I was reading out loud to them- The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! It has been made into a movie and is in theaters now! It looks great! The kids told me it was a great book and that I should read it next year! 

Spirit Day on Friday, November 22!! 

Math- This week we worked on multiplying numbers in the hundreds and thousands by two digits. We are also working on some story problems dealing with multiplication. When we get back from Thanksgiving break, we will be finishing up our chapter with reviews and a test. 

Religion- We are working on learning about the Beatitudes- God's plan for us to find true happiness. We have had some great discussions on them too. They were introduced to Saint Pier Giorgio Frassati as well. He lived in Italy, but dedicated much of his life to God and helping others. For graduation he was offered a car or money from his father. He chose the money and then gave it away to help others. He is a such a great example to them, but really to all of us especially as we get close to the Advent season. 

Biz Town- What a GREAT day! The kids had a great time and wish they could go again next year! I told them they will go in 8th grade to the Financial Center. We did have a good discussion about the importance of why they were told to spend their money so that the businesses could pay back their loans and stay open. Thank you to all the parents that went with us! I love that you get to help them and see what a wonderful opportunity it is for them! 

Lots of information sheets in the take home folder today! Don't forget about the Read-A-Thon! The kids can wear pajamas on Tuesday! I said they can wear slippers and a robe as well, but need to have shoes for recess. Sweatpants are fine too. I know some wear that to bed! 

I hope you have a great weekend! I plan on watching Loras Soccer in the Sweet Sixteen from my warm house while I do report cards! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you're traveling, please have a safe trip! I am heading to Windsor, Colorado with my brother and his family to go see my niece Grace! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, November 14, 2024

 Hello Families! I hope you're having a  great week! Temperatures are changing. Please make sure your child comes to school with at least a sweatshirt to wear at recess! 

Calendar Dates: 

Nov. 18- Field Trip to Biz Town

Nov. 20- Advent Activity Night

Nov. 21- PTO Meeting 

Nov. 22- Spirit Day

Nov. 27-Dec. 1 - Thanksgiving break

Dec. 4- Christmas Concert

Monday- The 5th graders will need a sack lunch with a drink on Monday. No POP.  They also need to dress in mass day attire. They can bring things to do on the car ride.  We are leaving at 7:30 AM! They will not get breakfast at school that day.  Parents- please remember your own lunch with a drink! Please be here before 7:30 on Monday. Thank you!!! This is such a fun day! The kids will be tired after their day at work! 

Religion- They finished up their chapter on the 7 sacraments. We also took some time to learn a little bit about Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini before Wednesday's mass which was her memorial.  Our next chapter will be learning about the Beatitudes. 

Math- We spent a couple of days working on Biz Town- remembering how to fill out our checkbooks and trackers. We have also moved on to multiplying three digits by two digits. 

Reading- We are continuing to work on our story which is actually a poem. This week the kids had to go through and find rhyming words. They had to find a poem that depicts imagery. They had to find a repeated verse as well as identify a stanza.  in grammar they are working on action, helping, and linking verbs. They have got a list of examples in their composition book that they can refer to! They will most likely test over this next week sometime. This is also the last story in our module. They will be  taking module test as well. 

Read-A-Thon- in your child's folder is the information on one of the PTO's fundraiser. They can use the minutes  they do for this on their Book-IT Calendar as well. I know one of the days is Double the Minutes!  There is also a pajama day on the 26th! 

Advent Activity Night- On November 20th, if it fits your schedule, come to St. Malachy for a fun night along with families from the RE Program. STM teachers will be there providing games and activities! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will probably be cleaning! I am trying to get rid of a mouse in my house! UGH! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed the 4 day weekend. I know I did. I did some cleaning,but also made a trip to Winterset and was able to do some Christmas shopping!  I went to the craft show in Corning with Mrs. Levine and Mrs. Simmons and her daughter. Mrs. Levine and I bought some new towels. I was able to read my book and start a new one! I enjoyed my time. 

Calendar Dates: 

Nov. 8- Spirit Day

Nov. 13- All School Mass

Nov. 18- Field Trip to Biz Town

Nov. 22- Spirit Day

Nov. 27-Dec. 1 - Thanksgiving break

Dec. 4- Christmas Concert

All School Mass- Next Wednesday is our first all school mass. A few kids from 5th grade have a part. I gave it to them on Tuesday. If they have a reading part, they should be practicing at home. This is good practice for our Catholic Schools Week mass in January! 

Religion- We are in a new chapter about the seven sacraments. The other day we read about how Jesus started his ministry at the age of 30 by reading from Isaiah in the temple. He basically told them that he was the Messiah at this point. Many of the listeners weren't happy hearing this. I did show them this particular scene from The Chosen. They were a little worried for Jesus in the scene. I had to remind them that they already know the ending of his story so they didn't have to worry. We did talk about how this was the beginning of his 3 years of public ministry. 

Reading- They took their module test and I am grading those. The scores will probably not go home until next week. We did read it out loud two times before going over the questions. On Wednesday, we started our last story in this module, which is probably our longest. It is actually a collection of different poem styles.  They had their spelling pretest as well. This list is r-controlled vowels. We did have to pause during the test because a few of the words are homophones, so I told them to listen to how the word is being used in the sentence. 

Book Reports are due on Friday. My plan is for them to share that day. I think we will get all of them done, unless something else comes up! 

Math- We are working on multiplying two digits times two digits.  For the most part, they are doing fine. I have a few who are forgetting to carry over the number and then adding it on. We will be focusing on Biz Town the rest of the week. 

Field Trip- In your child's Take Home Folder is a permission slip you need to fill out. I need those back before the 18th. They will also have to pay $10.50. A few have already paid that.  If you send a check, make it out to St. Malachy School. They will need a sack lunch and drink that day. Nothing carbonated. If you said yes to driving or helping us out that day, there is a letter in there for you as well. It is just some basic info for you. WE are leaving at 7:30 that morning so kids will not be getting breakfast at school. They will need to eat at home. We will be back in time for the bus! 

Spirit Day on Friday- the temps look perfect for wearing some sweatpants and/or a hat! 

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I don't really have any plans yet, but we shall see what happens! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma