Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hello Parents! I hope your week is going well! I see some warmer temps coming our way! Woo hoo!!! So proud of the 5th graders for winning the Pizza Party for our Coin Wars! They raised just over $200!!!!  The school raised around $1000! Go St. Malachy!

Okay this next week is one of my favorites-- Catholic Schools Week!!! Hold on! I know it will be crazy! 
Sunday, Jan. 31- We kick it off with mass at Holy Spirit. If your child signed up for a part-- look for a blue sheet in their folder on Thursday. The PTO also has a great breakfast in the basement after mass! 
Monday, Feb. 1- Wear your blue and gold day!!! The kids will eat their sack lunch with the Advent Angel in the gym. After that they will go to a classroom to watch a movie. 

Tuesday, Feb. 2- Come As You Are Day-- Pajamas Day-- I told them they can wear slippers, a robe, have their favorite stuffed animal that day. If they wear shorts to bed-- they HAVE to have their snow pants for recess. They can wear sweats if they aren't comfortable wearing their pjs. We will also be doing a Living Rosary in the gym at 8:30. The 5th graders are in charge of that! We did a practice on Tuesday! I think it will be very cool. You are welcome to join us!

Wednesday, Feb. 3- Chamber Breakfast Day. Students will be doing activities in the afternoon with their Advent Angel. It is also Class Color Day-- 5th graders voted for Blue and Pink. They can wear one of those or BOTH! They can wear sweats if they have them in that color, no shorts. 

Thursday, Feb. 4- 1:30-3 will be students vs teachers in some activities in the gym. It is also Sports Day--wear your favorite team colors or dress as an athlete in a certain sport.  I am hoping this will be our Pizza Party Day if we can get it coordinated!

Friday- Dress Up Day. We will have our Grandparents/Special Guest mass at Holy Spirit at 1:30. Let me know if your child does not have someone coming to mass. I know sometimes the special guest or grandparent takes them home-- which is fine, just have them let me know. We usually have the bus there for kids who still need it. There is the cookie and punch reception after mass. 

If you have questions, please email me! Thanks!!!

Math- This week they have started working on multiplying whole numbers and decimals. They are doing just fine, but they need to remember where to place that decimal. Some are needing to remember their multiplication facts again. This is good practice for our BizTown field trip in April.

Reading- This week's story was LAFFF. This is a science fiction story that deals with a time machine. Angela wants to use it to win a writing contest her school has every year. I enjoy the story because there is a slight twist at the end !! The grammar this week is adverbs. This is more challenging I think than the adjectives because they describe the verbs. Adverbs don't always come before or follow the verb. You have to do a little digging. They answer questions like: how? when? where? and how often? Many of the "how" adverbs end in -ly so it is kind of a clue.

Religion- They have finished the chapter on our works of mercy. They will be testing most likely on Monday. We are also using some of our religion time to practice the living rosary.

Next week will be chaotic in our schedules so they may have homework, but some days they won't be going to every class just because of our extra activities. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I hope to see you at the kick off mass on Sunday! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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