Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 Hello Families, I hope everyone is safe and sound after last Friday's storms and tornado. I had just arrived at my brother's house in Waterloo when the text messages started coming in! I was praying for all! We continue to pray for those affected by the storms. 

Calendar Dates: 
May 2- Glow Run Lap-A-Thon
May 3- Public School Band Experience/ Spirit Day
May 8-12  Archery Nationals
May 15-  Final Book Report Due/ 5th Mass Day
May 17- 8th grade graduation
May 24-Last Day of School

Reading- They took their test on Tuesday  along with the spelling test. On Wednesday, we will start our last story in this module. That means they will have a new spelling test on Wednesday. I have it planned out that next week we will wrap up this story. I plan on the next spelling post test to be on Thursday, May 9. By next Friday, they will be taking a Module (unit test). The kids that are gone for archery will take them on the Monday they return.  

Book Reports are due on May 15. They should pack their costume in their bag that day. I think I will be able to get through most of them, if not all! 

Religion- They will test over our most recent chapter on Thursday. This one covered the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Last Friday, we started our Guidance books. I think we will get into more of that next week. 

Math-This week we worked on adding and subtracting of fractions with unlike denominators making sure to use the lowest common denominator possible. It became slightly more challenging when they had to add and subtract 3 different fractions within the same problem. For example: (1/2 + 3/30) - 2/20.  I haven't focused on simplifying yet. I wanted them to understand what the process to rename them before they add or subtract. I think we are there now so that is our next step!  They will also be adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators. 

Glow Run on Thursday!!! Wear bright colors, white, or neon so you glow in the dark while you run. Make sure to return your  fundraiser forms!!! 

Friday- They need to be at school EARLY! They will load the trolley at 7:55 am. Mrs. Warner will be in charge. Make sure to eat breakfast at home! They will be back at 9:00. I know some of them are excited! 

I am going to be gone on Friday. I am taking a personal day and heading to Waterloo. My niece Olivia is a senior and has a soccer game that night. This is my chance to see her play. It is also her senior prom weekend! My brother and sister-in-law are going to go to Dubuque on Friday because Olivia's older sister graduates on Saturday from Loras College. To top it all off their oldest child is graduating from her college in Colorado on Friday! Talk about needing to be in more than one place at a time! Sadly, they knew they couldn't do it all. I am going to take care of all the prom activities with Olivia while they celebrate Emily in Dubuque all weekend! WE will all celebrate Gracelyn when she comes back to Iowa for Olivia's graduation. 

Mary Brown will be my sub. She will go with Mrs. Warner to the public school. If you have any messages or concerns on Friday, contact the office. They will let the kids know. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Hello Parents! I hope you're having a GREAT week! We are down to 4 Mondays! I cannot believe that! 

Calendar Dates: 
April 26- Spirit Day/ Earth Day
April 30 Back Up Day for Clean Up Day
May 2- Glow Run Lap-A-Thon
May 3- Public School Band Experience/ Spirit Day
May 8-12  Archery Nationals
May 15-  Final Book Report Due/ 5th Mass Day
May 17- 8th grade graduation
May 24-Last Day of School

Glow Run- The kids will have their lap-a-thon on May 2 during their PE time. If they have shorts or T-shirts that glow in the dark have them wear them! Extra fun! They should return their donation papers that went home in their take home folders before May 2. Remember for every $50 they raise, they get a can of Silly String

Reading- This week they read 2 stories. One was on Rita Moreno. She had to deal with a lot of discrimination in her acting and singing career. I did show them a scene of her singing and dancing in West Side Story.  I gave them a short little explanation of that movie. Some wanted to watch it.  Then we read about Louis Armstrong. His story was told from the point of view of his cornet. His start was in New Orleans, but then later moved to Chicago.  We did listen to a couple of his songs. In grammar they are working on adverbs. Words that describe the verb in the sentence. They can answer the questions - how? when? where? and how often? They are trickier because normally the kids want to pick out the verbs. They will test over this story next week. The spelling post test will be on Tuesday, April 30. 

They will need to bring their book report costumes on May 15! 

Math- They are adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators this week.  I have shown them about simplifying, but that isn't our focus just yet. The focus right now is to pick the smallest common denominator and renaming before they can add and subtract. We will also be getting into adding and subtracting mixed numbers! 

Religion- We are working on understanding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as it pertains to when they get confirmed. We are also talking about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. We talked a lot about Fortitude (courage) and our saints who became martyrs. They showed lots of courage because they were willing to die for their faith.  We did talk on Tuesday about the 4 steps the Catholic church takes to name someone a saint. 

Spirit Day on Friday! Sweats for $1. It is also Clean Up Day. Bring rakes and gloves! Donate $1 to the school for us to purchase flowers for outside our doors. The rain delay date is set for Tuesday, April 30.

Permission Slips- If you have not returned the permission slip that was sent home last week about going to the public school for band...please do so as soon as possible. Thank you! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am heading to Waterloo. My niece Olivia is in her high school's  spring musical so I am going to go watch her perform! 

God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Hello Parents! What a wild week of weather! We did enjoy listening to the thunder on Tuesday morning ! 

Calendar Dates: 
April 18- Spend It or Save It Assembly for 5th-8th graders
April 19- No School / PD Day
April 24- Puberty Video 
April 26- Spirit Day/ Earth Day
May 2- Glow Run Lap-A-Thon
May 3- Public School Band Experience/ Spirit Day
May 15-  Final Book Report Due
May 17- 8th grade graduation

Reading- This week we finished up our story on The Gates. They had their spelling test and weekly test on Wednesday.  On Thursday, we have our spelling pretest and start our next story. This one is about two artists. They will read a short biography on Rita Moreno, the singer and actress. You may know her from West Side Story.  We will also be reading a fictionalized biography on Louis Armstrong.  That is a biography about a person's life, but it has some made up parts in it. I plan on showing the kids some of their performances.  I am excited to read about them. I know their work, but not a lot about their journey. In grammar we are moving on to adverbs. 

Religion- We finished up our Easter chapter with the focus being on The Road to Emmaus story. We are in a new chapter now. We read about the story of Saul and how he was against Christianity. We read a little about St. Stephen and how he taught about Jesus, but then was stoned to death for this. We learned that Saul was there at the time. He didn't participate in the death of Stephen, but he agreed with the people who were against Stephen. It wasn't until Saul lost his sight after his conversation with Jesus and then healed by Ananias that he had his conversion and later became Paul. I was so excited  when I asked the kids who Paul was and they told me...he wrote the Letter to the Corinthians and wrote letters from jail! YES! YES! YES!!! 

Math- We are working on FRACTIONS!! We started by estimating fractions to the nearest 0, 1/2 or 1. Next we are renaming fractions so they have the same denominator. Our next step will be to rename these fractions and then add them.  On Tuesday, we talked about always writing fraction in the simplest form which means one of those numbers has to be a prime number. So, I started the process of teaching them how to simplify using division. As always some get it quickly while others take a little longer, but I think they are happy we aren't doing long division!!! 

Permission Slip- In your child's folder is a permission slip from Mrs. Warner. She would like to take the 5th graders on Friday, May 3, to the public school so they can watch and listen to their 6th grade band. We talked and decided to take all the kids- not just the band kids. I figured the others would enjoy the experience as well! They will need to be at school early that morning and will travel over on the trolley. They will be back by 9 am. They should definitely eat breakfast at home! They won't be able to eat it at school. Please return the papers as soon as you can. Thank you!!! 

Friday, April 19- No School! It is a PD Day for us! We usually take a PD day to do some act of service. This year we are helping out Mark O'Riley fill the food bags at the Food Shelf. Then we are coming back to school and cleaning certain rooms.  Enjoy the extra day on your weekend! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Mrs. Sickels, Mrs. Burg, and I finished our LETRs class on Tuesday night so I won't have that homework! I may actually be able to read for fun! 
I plan on going to mass on Sunday so I can listen to the children's choir!

God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Dear Parents, I hope this week has been a good one! Watching the eclipse on Monday was really cool. I can't imagine the total blackout that some people were able to experience. My sister in Maine and my nephew in Ohio had quite the show ! 

Calendar Dates: 
April 18- Spend It or Save It Assembly for 5th-8th graders
April 19- No School / PD Day
April 26- Spirit Day/ Earth Day

Reading- We have been mostly testing this week so we haven't had a lot of reading class time. We are continuing to work on our story called The Gates when we get the opportunity. 

Math- We are starting our fractions chapter. 

Religion- we are working through our Easter chapter. Soon we will be adding our Guidance book to our religion class time. Just a reminder- the guidance book focuses more on relationships with family, friends, and God.  We will do this alongside religion classes. I won't replace it. 

April 19- No School! It is a PD day for the teachers! Enjoy your longer weekend! 

Permission Slip- There will be a form in your child's folder. I will be showing a puberty video to the boys and one to the girls on April 24. Before Covid the public school nurses would do this for me. Since Covid, I show the video in class. We separate the boys and girls so no one is uncomfortable! It really doesn't go into major details. Its a video of kids explaining how their bodies are changing and will change in the next few years. The girls' video does talk to them about their periods.  Please sign the slip and return as soon as possible.  When your child isn't watching the video, they will be in the kindergarten room helping kindergartners with whatever they are working on. Mrs. Chesling said she would be happy for the extra help! I plan on showing one video in the morning and the other in the afternoon on April 24.

ISASP- We will be done with testing on Thursday!  Then we can back to some normalcy with our schedule! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the beautiful weather!!! 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Thursday, April 4, 2024

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I had a great time with my family in Waterloo and Waverly. 

Calendar Dates

April 5- Spirit Day

April 8- Eclipse Day

Apr. 8-12 ISASP Week

Apr. 19- No School/  PD Day

Apr.26- Earth Day Cleanup/ Spirit Day

Reading- We started a new module on Monday. This unit will be all about different kinds of art.  On Tuesday, we read the story The Gates.  It is a story about a couple of artists that worked for 26 years to get New York City to say "yes" to their art construction idea for Central Park. They finally agreed to it and made them sign a 43 page contract! It cost them 26 million dollars to create the art piece and erect it throughout Central Park! Then it was only up for 2 weeks in 2005.  We were all in shock by the the persistence of them to not give up! The 5th graders couldn't understand why it was up for only 2 weeks, but we inferred it was part of the contract deal they signed!  Click here if you want to see a picture of the art piece! It went all throughout the park.  The grammar for this story will be adjectives. On Tuesday, we found adjectives in sentences and then figured out if they answered- how many? what kind? or origin?  Their spelling list this week is covering words that drop the final-y before adding their endings....-ier -ies  -ied  -iest

Math- On Tuesday, they started their practice test which was finished on Wednesday. They will go over it on Thursday with me. The real test will be on Friday. 

Religion- We are finishing up the movie we started last week. Once that is done we will work on the Easter chapter in our book. 

Spirit Day is this Friday! Sweats and/or a hat for $1!!! 

ISASPs- On Wednesday, I started giving the 5th graders practice tests for the ISASPs. This year they will have one extra test to take. They will take a test in science. That is a test for the 5th and 8th graders.  Next Monday we will start testing. My plan is to do one a day. They will have their tests in the mornings on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. On Wednesday, we will do one after their recess. I think our morning time will be too short after practicing mass and then going to  it.  I always tell the kids to try to get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast ( if they are breakfast people, and then just do their best). They aren't really timed anymore so they don't have that added pressure. I will try to keep the room quiet and relaxed during the tests. 

Dollars for Scholars Essays- The 3 winners from our class are Presley, Harlow, and Harper! One of these three will win the scholarship. We usually don't know who that is until May. Congrats!!! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Hopefully there will be some nice temperatures so that we can all be outside! I see tulips blooming in my yard! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

 Hello Parents! I hope everyone is having a great week! I can't believe it is Easter already! 

Calendar Dates

March 28- Seder Meal/Cross Walk/Wear White Shirt

March 29- Rosary at 2 pm

March 31- Easter Sunday

April 5- Spirit Day

Apr. 8-12 ISASP Week

Apr. 19- No School/  PD Day

Reading- They took their Module test on Monday! These were our best scores yet!!! I am really proud of them! I am really excited to see they are putting so much effort into those short answer questions!!! I assigned them their book report today! A few have already finished reading and taking notes! They are starting to make their Google slides for their presentation! The project will be due in May. 

This week they also wrote their rough draft for the Dollars for Scholars essay. They were given 5 words. They had to choose one and explain how that is important to their education. 

Math- They are working on problems as a review. Next week we will focus on the test. This week is just too busy with Holy Week  activities. 

Religion- They took their test today! All did well!! I will send home tomorrow to be signed by you. I am currently showing them the movie The Ten Commandments. I always show this to the 5th graders the week of Easter because our Seder Meal follows the Hebrew people as they left Egypt. Once they get passed the fact that the movie is from the 50s, they get involved in the story of Moses. 

Seder Meal and Cross Walk tomorrow! Thank you for returning the permission slips. The walk should start around 12:30 in our courtyard if you'd like to go with us! Remember to wear a white shirt for the photo we take at the church! 

Rosary- We will be praying the Rosary at 2:00 pm on Friday. The 8th graders will be leading us. This will be our final activity to celebrate our Lenten Season and Good Friday. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter with your family and friends. I am heading to Waterloo to spend it with my brother and sister. Safe travels for those of you going out of town! 🐰

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, March 21, 2024

 Hello Everyone! I hope you all were able to enjoy your Spring Break!! My sister and I had a relaxing time in Galena. Our brother and nieces came to spend an afternoon with us so we didn't get a ton of reading in! The weather was perfection! 

Calendar Dates

March 22- Spirit Day

March 28- Seder Meal/Cross Walk/Wear White Shirt

March 29- Rosary at 2 pm

March 31- Easter Sunday

April 5- Spirit Day

Apr. 8-12 ISASP Week

Reading- We are finishing our story this week! They will have their spelling test and reading tests on Friday!  Hopefully they are studying those spelling words because it has been a little bit since we've worked with them! We did play our Tic Tac Toe game with them today! I was pleased that so many remembered to drop the -e before adding -ing!  On Monday they will take their Module Test (unit test). We will also be working on our essays for Dollars for Scholars next week. I will also assign the next book report - which I talked about at conferences. It isn't going to be due until the middle of May. 

Math- We will finish our worksheet on Thursday. Hopefully it will be a little easier after taking a break! We will probably do a little more practice with dividing larger numbers on Friday. Next week we will begin the finishing up of this chapter! The test is just around the corner! 

Religion- We are going to get back to our chapter, but we took a break on Monday to make birthday cards for Father Patrick. On Tuesday they went to Reconciliation! I was really proud of the 3-5th graders! They were able to answer ALL of Father's question about Easter and Jesus dying on the cross! 

Permission Slip- In your child's folder is a permission slip that we need back before next Thursday. It is for the Cross Walk on Thursday. We will do the Seder Meal first and then they will walk with their Angel partners to the church with stops along the way to remind us of the walk Jesus took on that first Good Friday. They need to wear a white shirt so we can take our picture in the church. If they don't have a plain white one, they can wear a white one and then we will have them flip it inside out before we leave for the walk. You are welcome to join us on the walk if you want to! It is a great experience. 

Students are expected to participate in the meal unless they have a documented food allergy/issue.

Middle School Ready?? I told the 5th graders this week I was going to start doing some things to get them prepared for middle school next year. So from this point on they won't be doing corrections on homework assignments unless I see that they really are lost and need to fix things. They will still correct their tests. I have told Mrs. Sickels and Mrs. Burg to do the same in their classes with them. I told the 5th graders- your score will be your score. 

Spirit Day on Friday! It looks like the temps will be perfect for sweats! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Palm Sunday is this weekend!

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hello Parents, I hope you're having a great week and not suffering from any whiplash from our temperatures! 

Calendar Dates

Mar. 1- Shorts can be worn

Mar. 2- STM Foundation/ Gala 

Mar. 4-7 Parent Teacher Conferences

Mar. 6-Bishop's Mass

March 8-15 Spring Break/ No School

March 19- Reconciliation Grades 2-5

March 22- Spirit Day

Reading- The story we are reading about this week is called The Good Garden. It is about a family in Honduras living through a drought. The main character Maria is responsible for growing food while her dad is away looking for work. Her new teacher teaches her how to make compost as a fertilizer and terraces to grow their crops. She grows some radishes that they can then sell at the local market to help make them some money. This one is a realistic fiction story.  They continued to work on their grammar and using commas in sentences.  They will test over this story on Thursday. Their spelling test is also on Thursday. On Friday we will start our next story and continue to work on it next week. That story won't get finished until after break. 

Math- This week I taught them the standard algorithm for division. We've been working on it for a couple of days. Some have really caught on. On Thursday, I plan on doing some more work with them, but I have warned them that they will have homework and will have to try it on their own (don't worry- I will be right there with them if they get stuck!) This is division you know how to do if they would bring it home! 

Religion- This Lenten season part of our promises is saying the Rosary in the chapel once a week. We did that on Monday. The 5th graders are so good at knowing where we are on the Rosary and the prayer they are expected to lead. We have finished our chapter on Lent and have returned to our other chapters in the book. This chapter focuses on baptism and confirmation. We discussed how kids joining the church as they get older could receive Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at one time.  We also talked about how Confirmation students pick out their patron saint. The 5th graders did research on a saint and will report on them on Thursday. 

Shorts- They can begin to wear shorts on Friday. Make sure they follow the dress code. We use the child's fingertip length to determine mid-thigh. Students who wear shorts that are too short will receive a dress code violation and could lose the privilege to wear shorts. 

Conferences begin on Monday ! Thank you for signing up for your time! 

I hope everyone has a great Spring Break! Enjoy the break time. My sister and I are heading to Galena, Illinois for a few days! We have gone there the last two years, but this year we are making it more of a reading retreat! I can't wait! If you are traveling at all during break whether to Des Moines or somewhere further I wish you safe travels! 

I hope to see some of you at the Auction and Gala on Saturday!  Looks like there will be some great baskets from the grade bands and silent auction items. 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

 Hello Parents, Okay this weather doesn't feel like February! I love it, but I also know we need the moisture. I'm okay with rain!  I was able to see my niece perform last weekend at All-State Speech in Ames. Their choral reading story was about the planes that landed in New Foundland on 9-11 because the airspace had been shut down. It was really cool. I need to read the book. 

Calendar Dates

Feb. 23- End of 2nd Trimester/ Spirit Day/ Fish Fry

Mar. 1- Shorts can be worn

Mar. 2- STM Foundation/ Gala 

Mar. 4-7 Parent Teacher Conferences

March 8-15 Spring Break/ No School

Friday, March 1st- Shorts can be worn. I will remind them that if they wear shorts, I don't want to hear complaints of being cold! Shorts MUST be mid thigh- they have to be below their fingertips. If they aren't I will be sending home a slip with them to show they have broken our dress code policy. 

Spirit Day is this Friday! Sweats or hats for $1.

Math- We started our division chapter by estimating our division using compatible numbers. This isn't rounding. They have to find math facts that actually work so there isn't a remainder. We also have started dividing using partial quotients. This is the method I told them they won't do at home with you! We will get to the standard algorithm next week. 

Religion- we will be finishing up our Lent chapter on Thursday. Our next chapter deals with a few of the sacraments but mostly confirmation. We are also going to be reading one of my favorite stories from the Bible- The Woman at the Well. I think we will finish the chapter before break, but we won't have time for a test. That's okay.  We just won't test over this chapter. 

 The Knights of Columbus Fish Fry is this Friday at St. Malachy.  You can eat in the gym or drive up and get your dinner to go!! 🐟🐠

Reading- Our new stories have to deal getting people to recycle and reduce  what they use. We also have a story about a family who doesn't have much for food, but they learn some gardening tricks that help them! We will be working on figurative language in this story as well. In grammar they are learning about where to place commas in sentences. For example: commas go in a sentence when listing a series, or when you have a compound or complex sentence. On Wednesday, they worked on putting commas after introductory words or phrases. We also worked with placing semicolons in sentences with commas. Their spelling list this week is base words with the added endings of -ed and -ing. Some of the words require them to double the consonant! 

Thank you to those who have donated to our silent auction item and the live auction basket! The last day to donate will be Friday. We are shopping this weekend to finish it! I have seen the silent auction picture. It's beautiful!! Thank you, Tiffany Ossian! Don't forget to buy your dinner ticket if you're going to attend the Gala! 

The 2nd Trimester ends on Friday. Our final trimester will begin on Monday! The lateslip record will be clean! 

Don't forget to sign up for your conference time! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hello Parents! I hope you are having a GREAT week! The kids did an outstanding job at mass today!!! They received many compliments afterwards! 

Calendar Dates

Feb. 19- No School/ Professional Development Day

Feb. 23- End of 2nd Trimester/ Spirit Day/ Fish Fry

Mar. 2- STM Foundation/ Gala 

Mar. 4-7 Parent Teacher Conferences

March 8-15 Spring Break/ No School

Reading- This week we are working on our story about urban cities growing gardens. The story was trying to persuade us into making one of our own. We talked about living in Creston and that wasn't really a need because many of us have the space  for one. It showed us how in cities people are creating their own garden space on rooftops . Some of them are grown vertically. They gave us some history on Victory Gardens that were made during WWI and WWII because of the food shortage. That was pretty interesting. 

Grammar- we are wrapping up our section on past tense verbs and whether they are regular or irregular. For example:  like and liked are regular because we only add the -d. But go, went, had gone are irregular because we change the spelling so much that they become different words. 

They will have their spelling test on Friday as well as the weekly test.  This week's words are a little tricky because of the schwa sound on the unstressed final syllable. The words end in -al, il, el or le. They all have a similar sounding ending. 

Math- We worked on area and perimeter on Tuesday. I am NOT going to test them on this chapter. We have done enough of the multiplication with decimals. I need to keep moving because we have to do some division work!!! My plan is to start tomorrow (Thursday). This is where I usually have kids get emotional because it is hard. I am going to show them two ways to divide. One way is the standard algorithm. (The way you were taught).  I am also going to show them partial quotients. This is a way you don't know! I don't expect you to know! I won't let your kids ask you for help with this way either!!! We will do this in the room!!! 🤣

Religion- Now that mass is over we are going to focus on Lent. They made their Lenten promises! Part of that promise is that once a week during religion we will be going to the chapel to say the Rosary. 

The 2nd Trimester will end on February 23. I can't believe we have only one left!!! 

Auction- If you are going to donate to the Live Auction Basket or the Silent Auction item, please do so ASAP. We will be putting the Reading basket together soon. Thank you for the donations I have already received!! 

Fish Fry here at STM on February 23rd. They are offering drive up or dine in! 

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I am heading to Ames on Saturday. My niece Olivia made it to the All-State Speech Contest in two categories. Both of them get to perform on Saturday! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

 Hello Parents! I hope you are doing well this week! We almost have everyone back in the class! We have been enjoying these nice temps as well. I know they will go back to normal soon enough! 

Calendar Dates:

Feb.9- Celebrating Valentine's Day/ Spirit Day

Feb. 14- Ash Wednesday- 5th grade mass

Feb. 23- End of 2nd Trimester/ Spirit Day/ Fish Fry

Mar. 2- STM Foundation/ Gala

Reading- They took their Module test on Monday. Sorry, I haven't checked them yet! I feel like every night there is something going on that stops me! I am also trying to check all the sick kids' papers. We did start our new unit. This one is focused on helping the planet. The first story we are going to read about is telling us how urban places create gardens on their rooftops! We are also learning about how authors write with persuasion. We discussed what that means. I posed a question to the 5th graders today. How would you persuade your parents to let you stay up longer at bedtime...without tears or drama? Quite a few of them had some pretty good arguments, while others were planning to tell you the "why", but then they were going to really play video games,etc. LOL I tried to play the role of the parents and give them some , "what if your parents say this..."  I apologize now if they try to pull something on you!  In grammar they are working more with verbs. Today we worked on writing verbs in past tense . We also worked with verbs where the spelling changes when we write them in a different tense. 

The spelling list is a bit trickier this time. It is the schwa sound with "L" . We talked about how the final syllable would have a vowel and L , but that vowel will not necessarily be heard. "Quarrel" was a tough one for many. I did tell them, it's not "coral". Angle and angel are on the list and always easily confused. 

Religion- We just finished up our religion chapter. I am going to talk to them about making their Lenten promises because that will start on Wednesday. I do tell them to pick something that won't make your family members' life miserable too because you are miserable. Father Halbur always talked about his friend who gave up coffee and then was miserable to live with until his wife told him to pick something else! No need for everyone to suffer! 

We will have mass next week! We have a big one!  I will give them their parts on Friday to start practicing. We have an extra reading that day, plus ashes.  There will be another Noisy Change Collection that day. 

Math- We are nearing the end of our chapter! They will probably be testing next week at some point. I have been sitting with some of them lately doing corrections because decimals X decimals ...we forget we need to count where to put that decimal in our product. 

Friday is a Spirit Day! They can also wear RED for Valentines or their Superbowl team clothing

The Valentines Party will be on Friday afternoon. I told the kids they can bring their Valentines on Friday. Thank you, Jacquie Merritt, for supplying our party with some treats! 

Tiffany Ossian came in on Wednesday to take pictures for our silent auction item! Thank you so much!! Don't forget that we are looking for donations for the silent auction item, but also the Live auction book basket that 3-5 will be putting together. 

I am going to be gone on Monday afternoon. There will be a substitute that afternoon. 

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Stay well! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

 Hello Parents, Can you believe we will actually get a full week of school this week? I am not sure how to act! I am loving the melting snow and birds chirping!! 

Calendar Dates:

Feb. 7- Lenten Activity Night 6-7pm @STM/ Noisy Change Collection at Mass

Feb.9- Celebrating Valentine's Day/ Spirit Day

Feb. 14- Ash Wednesday- 5th grade mass

Feb. 23- End of 2nd Trimester/ Spirit Day/ Fish Fry

Mar. 2- STM Foundation/ Gala

Reading- This week we are finishing our story about living on the prairie. We have been talking about how they had to figure out the weather based on how the sky looked and how animals and insects acted. They will have their spelling posttest on Friday. They will also do their weekly test on Friday too. 

Next week they will have their Module Test (unit test) on Monday. After that we will start our next module. 

They did a great job on their book reports! It is always fun for me to hear that they loved the book because in the beginning so many of them don't think they will like them because it is out of their normal book choice. I get it. The great thing about reading is that you can take all kinds of adventures and don't have to stick to one genre! 

Math- This week we are really diving into multiplying decimals times decimals! They seem to have caught on quickly about where to put that decimal! Always good! 

Religion- This week they read about two saints. One is my personal favorite because he was so courageous. They read about Saint Maximilian Kolbe.  He was a priest from Poland during WWII. He ended up in Auschwitz. When a prisoner tried to escape the commandant of the camp sent 10 prisoners to a room with the goal of starving them to death as a punishment. One of the ten begged to not go because he was married and worried about his wife and kids. Maximilian offered himself up in his place. He is a martyr in our church. I shared with them a little about my dad growing up in Poland and escaping during WWII as well as a young boy. I told them some of things he experienced while on the run. He came to the USA at the end of the war through the Catholic Relief Services.  They will be finishing up this chapter and testing next week! 

Lenten Activity Night- Next Wednesday, we are hosting a night with some Lenten activities at our school. It will be from 6-7 pm. There will be some activities in the hallway, the gym, and then in the classrooms of the 3-5 wing. I hope to see you there! Everyone is welcome! 

Mass on Friday is at 1:30 pm.  Your child's guest needs to pick them up from school at 1:00. 

Valentine's Day- We are celebrating on Friday, Feb. 9 since Ash Wednesday falls on the 14th. The kids can bring in their Valentines that day. We will have a little party in the afternoon before they go home. 

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I am going to Adoration on Saturday and then the book store here in town! There is an author visiting that day! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, January 25, 2024

 Hello Parents! I hope everyone is doing well. These snow days are getting old! I sure hope next week is just off because of Catholic Schools Week and not snow days!! 

Calendar Dates:

Jan. 29- Book Reports Due

Jan. 28-Feb. 2- Catholic Schools Week

Feb. 7- Lenten Activity Night 6-7pm @STM

Feb.9- Celebrating Valentine's Day

Feb. 14- Ash Wednesday- 5th grade mass

Reading- We started a new story on Monday. This one is historical fiction. It is about a family living on the prairie. It's main character, Willy, is one of the kids in the family who has to help harvest the wheat crop. We learn some new vocabulary on the tools they used in farming back in 1840. I am showing them pictures so they have an idea of what we are talking about. They are reading about how the weather played a huge role in their lives. They are also learning some ways they used to tell how the weather was going to be each day. They didn't have the meteorologists to tell them about a storm arriving! In grammar we are going to be working on the past, present, and future tense of verbs. In spelling we have VV combination. I told them during their pretest that some words have 2 vowels next to each other and each vowel has their own sound so that helps us figure out how to spell them. Some words have 2 vowels next to each other, but they work together and make one sound so that makes it more difficult to figure out. Some times we can separate them between the vowels and their syllables. 

Book Reports - I moved the due date to Monday! We will see how many we can get done. I know it is Catholic Schools Week, so that may be another challenge! 

Math- We are still working on multiplying decimals and whole numbers, but I am hoping this week we can get to multiplying decimals times decimals. That makes it a little more challenging to figure out where to put that decimal. 

Social Studies- They will have a test tomorrow (Friday). They are going over their study guide today. 

Mass- Make sure to return the form that went home last week that lets us know who is picking them up on Friday for the Grandparent/Special Guest mass. I have gotten a few, but not all. 

Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday! If your child is signed up for mass on Sunday, look for their paper/assignment in their Take Home Folder.  If they have a part in Friday's mass, that will also be in their folder! Please make sure you read Mrs. Simmons' outline on the activities each day. They will need a sack lunch on Monday. Milk is provided. They can wear their STM gear or blue and gold on Monday! 

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Hope to see you at mass on Sunday! If your child has a part, be there at 8:30 so we can practice! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

 Hello Parents! I hope everyone did okay during our snowy weekend! I am ready to put my shovel away, but sadly it is only January! We still have a lot of winter to go! 

Calendar Dates:

Jan.19- Spirit Day

Jan. 26- Book Reports Due

Jan. 28-Feb. 2- Catholic Schools Week

Feb. 7- Lenten Activity Night 6-7pm @STM

Feb.9- Celebrating Valentine's Day

Feb. 14- Ash Wednesday- 5th grade mass

Reading- We  will finished up our current story tomorrow with the weekly test. It helps if you assign the right test! We discovered that one today! UGH!  I will also be using some of my reading time for FAST testing. On Friday, I have 3 kids who will be sharing their book reports because they are gone next week. We will most likely start work on the next story- maybe take a spelling pretest! The FAST testing will continue into next week. 

Book Reports are due next Friday! I see some kids who are still reading their book! They are going to have to do some at night at home so they aren't rushing to get the project done. 

Math- we are working more on estimating decimals and then multiplying them. By Friday I will having them actually multiply a whole number times a decimal. They have been using calculators. Those will go bye-bye! I didn't do any Timed Tests this week. We need to get some work done!! We also have some math FAST tests to do. 

Religion- We are getting back to that on Thursday! On Wednesday, the 5th graders helped the kindergartners with their mass! They did great! So cute to watch them help them! I just want to hug them all! 

On Friday at 2:20 pm we will be saying a Rosary for Perry as a school. We will be in the gym. Some of the 5th graders will be leading this service. You are welcome to come and join us if you are free. 

Spirit Day on Friday!! $1 for sweats! 

Due to the snow days, we will most likely send home parts for the Sunday mass for CSW next week. Sorry, that isn't a lot of notice. We are still getting volunteer sheets turned in! 

Have a GREAT weekend! I will be here and going to the local bookstore because she has an author coming in to sign books! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

 Hello Parents! I am writing from my comfy chair at home! I sure hope we are at school tomorrow! We will be. I just know it! I hope your kids are enjoying their really long weekend! LOL I see more snow is in the forecast! I am praying it is just a little bit of snow! 

Calendar Dates:

Jan. 15- FAST testing begins

Jan. 17- Kindergarten/5th grade mass

Jan. 17- PTO Meeting 6pm

Jan.19- Spirit Day

Jan. 28-Feb. 2- Catholic Schools Week

Reading- Well things are pushed back with the snow days. We will finish up our story either on Friday or Monday. I will see how things go when we get back. Their story is called Celestial Railroad. It is about how many Chinese men came to America in the 1800s to help create the Transcontinental Railroad. It discusses the hardships of that job for all the men, but it does show how the Chinese workers complained less, did their job, but were still treated poorly. They started with 50 Chinese workers helping out, but with their work ethic being so strong thousands were there by the end! It was really interesting. In grammar they are working with subject and object pronouns- singular and possessive.  The spelling test was supposed to happen today, but that will be pushed back! 

Book Reports are due on January 26. I know some are struggling with making time to read their books. I told them they can't just read it at school. They need to take them home. They have a packet with the information needed on the project they chose.  If they need drawing paper or poster paper they can ask me! 

Math- We are in our chapter. Not very far yet! They worked with multiplying decimals by 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000. I let them use calculators. Some of them figured out that the decimals moves to the right by the number of zeroes they multiply by. 10=1. 100=2. 

Religion- We are starting a new chapter when they return. This one I believe is on the sacraments. 

I gave most of them jobs to help with kindergarten class with at their mass next week. Some of them have reading parts to practice. 

Rosary- We are planning to hold a rosary for Perry. The plan was for Friday afternoon. I don't know if that is still the plan or not due to our snow days! I have some of the 5th graders leading it. If we have school on Thursday (which I think we will) I will let you know for sure! 

Lunch calendar- due to snow days our lunch calendar has had some changes! Tomorrow's lunch will be Sloppy Joes, green beans, chips and two fruits. I will keep the kids posted daily on the changes so they can plan accordingly. 

Recess- Make sure they have their boots, snow pants, mittens/gloves, and hats for recess! I am NOT excited about the cold temps coming our way! 

If you're at the store- could you get some wipes for our classroom?? Thank you!!! 

I hope everyone has a good end to their week and a great weekend! Stay warm. Drive safely!

God Bless, 

Miss Surma