Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hello Parents! Hopefully your week is going well for you! 

Reading-- Please take a look at your child's reading test score from last week! Overall, these were the highest scores I have seen yet! I was so excited and proud of them! I thought the test questions were a little harder, but I guess that shows you what I know! HA! This week we read an excerpt from Old Yeller.  We are talking about how the two boys in the story react to the situation, trying to pick up on similarities and differences.We also talked about the dialect. The story takes place in Texas many years ago! I told them this is a classic and was made into a movie.  One of the other things we are focusing on are Adages and Proverbs. What is that you ask???  Haste makes waste. All good things must come to an end. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.  Do any of those sound familiar? We worked on those in our center times. Many of them hadn't heard of them before, while others said, "My mom says that all the time!"  Feel free to replace "mom" with dad, grandma, or grandpa!;)

Math-- We have started division! We are only dividing by one digit so far. I really want them to understand the process before we move on. There will be other division strategies they will learn in this chapter. Just like in the last chapter, when they told me they couldn't divide, and I reminded them they know the Divisibility Property now! That is a strategy they can use to divide.  It wouldn't hurt to quiz them on their math facts at home, or while you're out running errands, or on a car ride somewhere.  I am still working on corrections with some of the kids and their math tests. Sorry for the wait, but I usually have to wait for some free time to be able to sit down with them. 

Halloween Stories-- I am also near the end of editing the stories. Some of the kids have gotten their story back and are supposed to type it up. I gave them a week to do that. I let them know their due date as well. Due dates are different depending on what day they get it back. If you are having computer problems, please email me and we can set up some time before and/or after school time. They can work in the library to get it typed up. 

Religion- This week they are looking up the mysteries of the rosary in the Bible. All of these mysteries stem from something that happened to Mary or Jesus. They are finding those stories now before they have to really learn or memorize them. 

Book Orders- Just a reminder that I sent home the order forms last week. They are due on Friday. You can also place your order online instead of turning in the money and order slip to me. 

Book Reports-- These are due November 7,2014. That is 3 weeks from Friday. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I head to Doon again on Friday. This should be the last time I HAVE to go. I think my sister should be driving next week. God Bless, Miss Surma

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